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The London Veterinary College was founded in Camden Town in 1791. The College was the first veterinary school in the English-speaking world and received its royal charter in 1875.

In their article '“Little, if at all, Removed from the Illiterate Farrier or Cow-leech”: The English Veterinary Surgeon, c.1860–1885, and the Campaign for Veterinary Reform'  Dr Abigail Woods and Stephen Matthews make the point that most vets - qualified and unqualified - were essentially treated as tradesmen. 'They rubbed shoulders with local grooms, horse-dealers and smiths, and entered clients' homes via the servants' door. Unlike dentists and doctors, vets were not exempt from jury service on the grounds of their national importance, and there was some dispute over whether, like doctors, they were eligible for a reduction on their horse tax. When appearing as expert witnesses in court cases, vets were paid less than surgeons.' (2)

'One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of a friend's encouragement. When someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on your own.'


                                  John O'Donohue


Peel green codlins as you usually do, then to a Pound of Codlins take three quarters of a Pound of powder Sugar. Lay your sugar in your Preserving Pan and put in six spoonfuls of Rose water, dissolve your Sugar well, then drye your Codlins and stick them thick with Lemon Chips that are preserved, then boil them up very Rich, then lay them in a Flint Patty till quite cold, then have a good Custard about a pint, and when almost cold put it over them, then lay a paste lid over.



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The soil from mole-hills is crumbly and weed-free and the perfect addition to your potting compost. Even if you are comfortable with it ethically, trapping or poisoning moles is a waste of time as a new mole will move into the territory and be more likely to throw up further hills. 


             PEOPLE, LOOK EAST 


    People, look east. The time is near 
    Of the crowning of the year.
    Make your house fair as you are able,
    Trim the hearth and set the table.
    People, look east and sing today:
    Love, the guest, is on the way.


    Furrows, be glad. Though earth is bare,
    One more seed is planted there:
    Give up your strength the seed to nourish,
    That in course the flower may flourish.
    People, look east and sing today:
    Love, the rose, is on the way.


    Birds, though you long have ceased to build,
    Guard the nest that must be filled.
    Even the hour when wings are frozen
    God for fledging time has chosen.
    People, look east and sing today:
    Love, the bird, is on the way.


    Stars, keep the watch. When night is dim
    One more light the bowl shall brim,
    Shining beyond the frosty weather,
    Bright as sun and moon together.
    People, look east and sing today:
    Love, the star, is on the way.


                                                   Eleanor Farjeon

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The low sun sets too soon, a moment of gold

then it’s gone.  Dusk erases trees,

hard lines, horizons, spills into the room,

dissolving words on the page, till all is grey

but the last flame of geranium in the gloom.


In the shortening day, bring in the last flowers

to crisp in a jar, beech buds to break into leaf,

a branch of larch.  Take winter by the throat,

feed the common birds, the tits and finches,

the spotted woodpecker in his opera coat.

Autumn came, with wind and gold.


Henry David Thoreau


'Never to be forgotten, that first long, secret drink of golden fire, juice of those valleys and of that time, wine of wild orchards, of russet summer, of plump red apples, and Rosie's burning cheeks. Never to be forgotten, or ever tasted again... '


I've brought you nuts and hops; 
And when the leaf drops, why, the walnut drops. 
Crack your first nut and light your first fire, 
Roast your first chestnut crisp on the bar; 
Make the logs sparkle, stir the blaze higher, 
Logs are as cheery as sun or as star.

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Crystal Ice mini cucumbers


French beans Blauhilde and Blue Lake




massive Warner's King cooking apples




Blenheim Orange dual purpose apples


Echinacea plants - bees love them


All grown without chemicals!









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      Rosehip Oil 

         Organic facial oil by Garden JuJu


The perfect recipe for stunning autumn colour is:


  • A hot, dry summer

  • Sunny, dry autumn days

  • Cold, but not freezing, autumn nights


Cold, wet summers and cloudy, rainy autumns result in more muted colours.

'The extraordinary autumn weather that always comes as a surprise, when the sun hangs low and gives more heat than in spring, when everything shines so brightly in the rare clear atmosphere that the eyes smart, when the lungs are strengthened and refreshed by inhaling the aromatic autumn air, when even the nights are warm, and when in those dark warm nights, golden stars startle and delight us continually by falling from the sky.'


Leo Tolstoy from War and Peace 


You can now read Thomas Sandall's complete journal on our website.

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There is a beautiful Portuguese saying when the autumn leaves change colour "Oh, Señora, the painter came last night!"

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  • The Plot Thickens - our blog about the gardens.

  • Dog of the Day - introducing our many canine visitors and their owners.

  • Our Gallery - celebrating the gardens through the changing seasons.

  • Updates on our Honesty Box fundraiser.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram


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'Woods were ringed with a colour so soft, so subtle that it could scarcely be said to be a colour at all. It was more the idea of a colour - as if the trees were dreaming green dreams or thinking green thoughts.'


                  Susanna ClarkeJonathan Strange & Mr Norrell


Sociocultural definition :

Creativity is the generation of a product that is judged to be novel and also to be appropriate, useful, or valuable by a suitably knowledgeable social group.

“How do you keep a museum from becoming a mausoleum where art goes to die?”

Yana Peel, CEO of London's Serpentine Gallery

“How do you keep a museum from becoming a mausoleum where art goes to die?”

Yana Peel, CEO of London's Serpentine Gallery


Set wide the window,

Let me drink the day.


           Edith Wharton

Set wide the window,

Let me drink the day.


           Edith Wharton

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